Thursday, February 13, 2014

safety in numbers

hello to you.

I want to apologize for my terribly inconsistent relationship with the internet. It has been a struggle to keep everything updated, while the imbalance of vanity and (maybe a false sense of) humility has constantly driven me to hibernation.

Long story short, this is Holly Jo.

 Holly has been the one responding to emails for a quite some time, but now in addition to her own photography career, travels, and personal life, she will be taking over all things social (twitter, tumblr, instagram, and facebook). She has become my link to the rest of you... allowing me to (almost) completely disappear from the internet, but without abandoning the wonderful people who have loved and supported me. I am grateful for her, and I am grateful for each one of you.  Hopefully, this will allow us all to continue to grow together.

That being said, this will be my last post for now, as miss Holly will be running things from this point forward.

much peace and love,

Matthew Reid

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